NHS Treatment

Our NHS list is currently closed. For further availability on spaces please check the status below.

Status: No availability

Charges for NHS Dentistry

  • If you are exempt from NHS dental charges, you will receive free treatment and care.
  • If you pay for NHS dental treatment, there are three standard charges
  • You pay one charge even if you visit more than once to complete a course of treatment.
  • The amount you pay will depend on the treatment you need.
£20.00 – This includes an examination, diagnosis and preventive care. If necessary, it will include X rays, plaque removal and planning for further treatment.
£60.00 – This includes all necessary treatment covered by the £20.00 charge PLUS additional treatment such as fillings, root canal treatment or extractions.
£260.00 – This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £20.00 and £60.00 charges PLUS crowns, dentures and bridges.
Patients not requiring a full course of treatment but instead receiving urgent care will pay a standalone charge of £30.00. This will include an examination, diagnosis preventative care. If necessary, it will include X-Rays and any treatment necessary to prevent significant deterioration of your oral health or to address severe pain.
Free NHS treatment or help with health costs via the Low Income Scheme: You may be entitled for help with all or part of the cost of your NHS dental treatment.
To see if this applies to you, further information is available from the NHS Wales website: www.gov.wales/low-income-scheme-help-nhs-health-costs or by contacting the NHS Business Services Authority on 0300 330 1343 or 0191 279 0565.


For more information call the team on: (01792) 642733